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Afio Mai - Welcome!


DAS, the Department of Administrative Services, is an Executive Branch Department of the American Samoa Government. It comprises the Director's Main Office and several divisions:  the Archives & Records Center,  ASG Mailroom, Contract Housing, Executive Office Bldgs at Ofu, Tau and Tutuila; EOB Maintenance, Printshop & DAS Security.  Each division therefore functions according to ASAC regulations and ASCA law. DAS policies and Standard Operating Procedures are also in place.  The Director's Office oversees government services for the above divisions, ie. ASG contract housing leases and Executive Offices service contracts. It also conducts oversight of ASG program activities performed by it's separate divisions. DAS is located in the Tutuila EOB Executive Office Bldg. at Utulei, American Samoa (684-633-4157/58). We hope you'll enjoy your visit to these public info webpages and encourage your comments and ideas!


Thank You - Fa'afetai!

       Employees & Visitors Safety Reminder

     The Dept. of Adm. Services COVID-19 public health emergency advisory information ended May 11, 2023, in line with local and federal recovery advisories. Thanks to National and International medical research, efficient vaccinations and medications were made and distributed and the pandemic transitioned into a non-emergency phase. We therefore express our thanks to the American Samoa Department of Health and the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, and to all local, national and international partners who led the way during the last four years of the COVID-19 pandemic. We otherwise continue to adapt our public services & facilities during the ongoing non-emergency phase along with any pending directives from the new Federal Govt. administration. For your convenience, a link to current CDC vaccination recommendations can be found at…



​​     Sa gata Fa'aliga Vevesiiga Koviti-19 o Amelika Samoa ma le Malo Tele Ameleke ia Me 11, 2023 a ua, sa soagalemu le ma'i teletele i togafitiga foma'i ma sienitisi fau vai. E fa'afetai tele lava pea i le au su'esu'e sa fa'asolo tui ma vailaau sao. Fa'afetai le uma ia tatou Ofisa Soifua Maloloiga Amelika Samoa, le US-DHHS, ma paaga eseese uma sa ta'imua ia tausaga fa ua te'a. E fa'asaga pea la matou ofisa i luma, ina taliaiga auala fou e fa'ailoa mai le Malo Feterale fou. Ina la, ua iai pea le liniki o le CDC i i e iloa ai tui ma vailaau tatau...





Accuracy of public information content and safe online usage is of utmost concern. Author therefore disclaims any inaccurate information unintentionally conveyed, potential malware, or responsibility for third party content. Your use of this website is an implicit consent to deny any legal harm. Also, any copyrighted information found within is for public reference purposes only and users are responsible for any infringement. In addition, the views and opinions on this website do not necessarily reflect those of our command administrators. Our web host privacy policies can be seen at*1kb76vz*_ga*MjQxNDExMjgzLjE1OTE2NDIxODA.*_ga_H314XQHSPY*MTYzNTc5NjAxMy4xLjAuMTYzNTc5NjAxNi41Nw.. 96799


Contact Info:
Director/Main Office         633-4157
Archives/Records             699-6848
Mailroom                        633-4017
Printshop                        633-4847
Housing Division              699-5746
Maintenance                    633-2013
EOB Security                   633-5161
Website Design:
Content/translations        699-6848


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Thank you for our patience as we revise and redesign these public information

webpages to align with our new American Samoa Government policies!


Fa'a fa'afetai le ogasa'igaiga le mamalu tele i le fa'afouina

matou tala ma vaaiga ina tusa ia le puleaga o tatou Malo Fou!

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